Maggie Steiner


PhD Candidate in Human Genetics at The University of Chicago

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I am currently a member of the Novembre Lab at UChicago. I am interested in studying spatial processes in evolution and impacts on human disease traits. My current research focuses on the impact of geographic sampling and dispersal on rare variant ascertainment and models for the spatial spread of adaptive alleles.

I previously worked in the areas of retroviral evolution and bioinformatics as a research assistant in the GW Computational Biology Institute. I also completed research internships at the following institutions as an undergraduate student: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Department of Biostatistics (QSURE Fellowship), UTHealth School of Public Health Dept. of Biostatistics (CPRIT Fellowship), and University of Pennsylvania Department of Computer and Information Science.

All publications are listed on my Google Scholar and ORCID.

Spatial processes in population genetics

Recent & ongoing projects include:

Retroviral phylodynamics & human endogenous retroviruses (undergraduate research)

As a member of the Crandall lab in the GW Computational Biology Institute, I contributed to several research projects in the area of retroviral evolution, including: